Matt Pickle
Web & Mobile Developer
I'm a front end developer with experience in HubSpot CMS development, React, and React Native.
Please contact me at concerning employment opportunities.
Web Apps
Garden Planner
Built with React Native for Web and Firebase.
Create custom garden layouts and see an automatically-generated schedule for planting and harvesting.
Workout Tracker
Built with React and Firebase.
Record sets and reps, time your rests, and chart your progress.
Pirate Translator
Built with React and the Pirate Translator API.
Translate any English text to pirate-speak.
Mobile Apps
Garden Planner
Built with React Native and Firebase.
Create custom garden layouts and see an automatically-generated schedule for planting and harvesting.
- JavaScript
- CSS3/Sass
- React
- React Native
- HubSpot CMS
- HubSpot API
- Firebase
- Graphic Design